Monday, July 6, 2009

Wow, Its Been a While

I know, I know...I suck. I'm especially sucky at doing things in a timely manner. I have a little contrary streak in me that, sometimes, I just don't feel like fighting. Every time someone mentioned "you have to do the "such and such" post it just made me dig my heels in, thinking to myself, "its my blog, I don't have to do anything". I know ya'll have been waiting patiently for the twins b-day post, job updates, summer plans, Grace in Small Things updates or even anything at all (Hello? Suzi? You still there?). I had grand plans for all of these. Indeed! I did! Really! No, really I did! I just went back to my drafts page and I have as many draft posts as I have published posts. Each of those events I mentioned, has a blurb or two written, and even some other topics too. Going over that list, I find the notion of writing each of them up fully, to be a daunting task, one I do not believe my sucky, lazi-a$$-ness is capable of achieving. So, to catch up, and establish a new starting off point, after which, every event will be documented and published in a timely manner(hahahaha, oh, sigh, I crack myself up), may I present, for your perusal, the bulleted version of...

I Really Want to do This Blog Thing, But I have the Attention Span of A Gnat, So I'll Try Again.

Late April

  • Relay For Life - amazing cause, we raised a whole lot of money(despite the crummy economy), I signed up for a study group, the twins hung out all night and I didn't make it the whole night this year, I slept in the car from three to six, I'll try to keep the faith again next year.

  • Job - ARGGGGH! The waiting is KILLING us, we anxiously await the second and fourth Wednesdays for some word, any word, of what our eventual fates will be, with nothing but the rumor mill for information, people are starting to get seriously stressed.


  • Mothers Day - I am SOOOOOO blessed, to have an amazing Mama who is not only my mom, but the only person on the face of this earth who I can say absolutely anything to without any censoring (anyone who knows me, knows I often speak before thinking and subsequently blush furiously as I try, frantically, attempting to repair whatever discord occurs from my foolishness). Mom knows my heart, she knows my intentions even if I don't say it right. I love you Mama Bird!
  • John's Birthday - OMG 16! You are turning into the most wonderful man, I can still see the last vestiges of the child, but the bones of the man you are becoming are beginning to show more prominently. You are handsome and charming, you have compassion unusual for a young man your age, your work ethic and drive are very strong and you are learning well the lesson of how much is too much, and how not to spread yourself too thin. Your Morrison wit is sharpening quickly, and you sometimes surprise us with it when we least expect it. Keep on the same path and you will soon find yourself achieving everything you ever dreamed! Oh, and congrats on getting your license
  • Jill's Birthday (same day as John's but 5 minutes later) - again, OMG 16! You have grown from a painfully shy, timid little girl into a lovely confidant young woman. Your creativeness and sense of style shows in everything you have a hand in. You seem to have found a good balance between work and fun, you have two of the most perfect friends for you, each of you elicit creativity and fun from each other as well as complimenting each other with your differences. You passed your driving test before you could even get you license (hooray for drivers ed)! congrats!
  • New Job - Keeping true to the governmental rule of Hurry up and Wait, and then proceed to wait so long you have to scramble madly to catch up, I was finally offered a position in Medical Billing, but with no start date. I worked Dispatch Tuesday, May 19th night shift and when I woke up at three o'clock Wednesday afternoon, I got the message that I was to start in the office at eight o'clock Thursday morning. Six weeks into it, I'm enjoying the freedom of an office job, I don't have to wait for anybody to be in the room for me to leave it, I don't have to tell anybody I'm going to the bathroom, and perhaps the best part is the flex hours, nobody cares when I work, I'm working 7am to 3:30 now. If I have to leave early or come in late for any reason, well then, I'll just work those hours another day that week. I'm also loving the busy-ness of the job, it really makes the day go quick.
  • SPUD's Birthday - My Sweet Princess, Unbelieveably Darling, you just turned a delightful two years old, I miss you soo much and cant wait to see you when I come up to meet your new brother in October! I'm keeping my eye on the airline sales and will see you sooner if I can swing it!
  • Finally the end of the school year! everybody passed, Cat's gonna be a senior, John and Jill get to be juniors, and Blake graduated 8th grade and will be joining the ranks of high schoolers!


  • Happy Anniversary! We took a little trip, just the two of us to Reddington Beach and spent three days wallowing in laziness at the beach.
  • Two weeks after the anniversary I finally got the professional wedding pictures! I guess I'm not the only lazy-a$$ out there.
  • Fathers Day - JJ you are the most wonderful father and I could not imagine what my or Blake's life would be if you were not a part of it, I love you!
  • Mom's Birthday, Dear Mommy, see above (Mothers Day), I still adore you and am ever grateful for everything you do for us.

Well, there you have it, my official catch up post. I solemnly swear, holding my right hand in the air (and the fingers of my left hand crossed behind my back) to never, ever, or at least not very often, get this behind again!

1 comment:

  1. She's the only one you can be uncensored with? Humph!

    Only kidding - I love your mom almost as much as I love my own...there is nothing on earth like the love of a mama and her girl. (And thanks for the shout-out to SPUD. We miss you too, darlin'. Hurry up and get here already. I owe you a birthday hug and present!
