Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Prom 2009

I know, I know, I know...this post is a wee bit late, prom was in March. You probably already know I am a) lazy, b) technologically impaired and c) lazy. When I first tried to post this, I had issues with the pictures (and whats the point of a prom post without pix), they refused to conform to my idea of proper blog placement and I had no idea how to make them sit where I told them to, so I gave up....(you happy pix? won...fine, be that way). I've discovered a new resolve to figure this out (pictures! you will not win, I can do this). Now, please allow me to present The Prom Post - picture edition.

Cat has an amazing group of friends, they are sweet and fun, intelligent and beautiful. When this bunch goes out world! The picture (ack! a picture! lookie! lookie! I did it!) above is "the girls" as the parents call them or "the Fab Four" as they call themselves, on prom night they were "the Skittle Chicks". The stood elegantly enduring hundred of pictures from dozens of cameras (I was using two simultaneously), their grace and beauty was recorded over and over again until....

Their adorable goofiness and exuberance was a relieving breath to the bewildered parents and grandparents, who had been mourning the metamorphosis of their "adorable little girl" into "elegant young woman". I think the adorable little girl , still lives on...
So many pictures were taken that day, I scrolled through hundreds trying to pick the ones, I liked the best, to show you....

I think this one is my favorite...