Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Dear Blake,

13 years ago, yesterday, you were born at 8:02 in the evening, I wont gross you out with the details, but sadly, I didn't get to meet you, outside of my belly, until the next morning (as you know, we always take note of 10:30 am April 4th), but I already knew you. You were so active, prone to hiccups, and a very picky eater. Oh boy! You were tiny! You were a scrawny 4 pound, 18 inch tall, starving little bundle of baby. Most babies lose weight before they leave the hospital...not you, you did nothing but eat...and eat...and eat. Today, you stand, a huge, 5 foot 9 inch tall, young man, surprisingly only 3 inches more than last year, it feels like you grew 2 feet... and, you still do nothing but eat...and eat...and eat.

You have been, through the years, my buddy, my love, the one and only person in the world who lived it all with me ( my real life only began after you entered it). We have a connection that I never believed possible between two humans, I joked tonight that I would throw myself in front of a speeding train for you and I meant it...subsequently, you responded you would throw yourself in front of a speeding red jelly-bean for me, I appreciate your desire to protect my aging waistline.

You have an exceptional aptitude for silliness, a goofy sense of humor that is slowly maturing into a very intelligent wit. You excel in athletics and I have no doubt you will be a star in high school, you work as hard as you can to to be a team player. Your drive and ambition stem from the things that intrigue you, and only you, you will not be swayed to another's intrigues, if they do not meet your own. I pray you continue to do only what you believe, to feel only what moves you, to walk where you want to, to love as you want to. On that same note, you are almost too shy sometimes and need to learn to push yourself to experience life to the fullest.

My goodness, year number 13 is gonna be a biggie for you! Soon you start spring football at the high school, then going to high school, and ROTC. Yikes! Big changes coming up, learn to take it one challenge at a time, and know in your heart that you really are an incredibly intelligent, strong, charming young man that can make anything, anything at all of himself, with me standing by as your best cheerleader!

I love you baby, more than you could ever imagine!

1 comment:

  1. Ditto to it all with my love and admiration for who Blake is becoming and thankful he is my grandson but even more thankful that my "baby" is such a beautiful woman and gave me such a wonderful grandchild.
